Community Partners
We recognize and affirm the godly work being done in our community by so many individuals and organizations. Therefore, it is fitting that we share the resources that we have inherited in our historic building and our commitment to fostering community. Our list of 40+ community partners is ever-growing. Many utilize the building to provide enrichment, nourishment, and vital services with, among, and for our neighbors. Others work hand-in-hand with us to support the needs of our neighbors. The variety of opportunities in one place stirs cross-pollination of eager and sometimes unlikely participants with new experiences in community and service. Please explore and learn more about these wonderful groups and organizations, but most importantly, get involved! If you or your organzation would like to explore becoming a community partner, please contact us at
Baltimore Free Farm
Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition
Baltimore Food Not Bombs
Baltimore Irish Music School
Capoeira Social Project
Food Rescue Baltimore
Harmony Works, Inc.
Highwire Improv
Sprocket's Indoor Play Space
Steve's Self Defense